quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010

All in One - Coge Mixer - update

This has one more mixing effect. (copy machine)
And has also separated transitions and overlay like effect.
Able to select each on separate and/or together, giving more interesting transition effects.

Some need third party patches like datamosh.

terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010

Movie with cumulative loop Time Control zero frame-drop

This is useful for assigning time control to midi devices like behringer bcd3000 and/or Numark Total Control that have wheels.
I tested this with a bcd3000 and the wheels on this device output a slightly higher than 0.5 value for clockwise and lower if otherwise.
So it's possible that this might need some tweaking on other devices.
Velocity is intended for wheel and multiplier to simplify limited inputs. (like mine)
This can also be used with keyboard or other "constant" input.

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

Trails - Coge effect

Thanks to one unknown Artist that posted his showcase work on his blog (i think). I've extracted this effect and "adapted" it for Coge (thanks also to .lov.). Note: This expects you to link audiopeak.qtz to audio input propriety, if not set this to max. Though it's better with sound.

quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

All in One Coge Mixer

This is to avoid having to make image transitions always from A to B. The problem is that by default the image from inputA is loaded whenever you change mixing effects, because balance is not know in the new effect. So if the balance value where shared among all, problem solved. This still lacks some more testing and might use some third party plugins. Has 16 different mixing effects. To do: - split or categorize mixer with "transitions" and "overlay" to work at the same time. or not. - Add more mixers.

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Webcam Painter

This is a work in development.

It paints based on your movements, and the paint disappears after a while.

It was done based on example patch of opticalflow.


Traktor (will work with others)Coge Midi clock Sync with OSC

This is a cross platform alternative for synchronizing two(or more) different computers to one Midi Clock.
Since one will have coge this will be between a Mac OSX and windows running traktor that produces midi clock.

For windows Midi Yoke (tested in XP) to wrap Midi clock to Pure Data extended (tested with v 0.41.4) from there the clock will be sent has an OSC message to one or all network computer(s). On the listening side there will be one other Pure Data patch converting a specific OSC message to Midi clock. Then coge can catch this midi clock just by clicking "Midi clk".

This is nothing special but it took me almost 3 weeks to accomplish it. Given that i knew nothing about pure data at the time, this site was very helpful. All examples were gathered from here.

Also note that this is not the best way.

There are Midi cables for this.
There are usb to midi converters, for those who don't have midi ports. Also external sound boards quite good with several inputs and outputs.
I have experienced a +/- 3 Beats float of BPM count on coge but always around the correct number, over time this seems to float less.
This still lacks testing.

You'll need Pure data extended on every machine.
You'll need Midi Yoke on Windows.
You can use Yac Driver on Mac OSX for midi wrap.
Don't know for linux, sorry. (read somewhere something about jack)

On pure data you'll need to define the midi device input or output which ever is the case.

On windows it's easy on any pure data windows you can set midi devices, choose midi Yoke (the channel number should be the same in the receiver input and sender output).
On OSX it's on the main window, under preferences.

If using this with quartz composer one can skip the pure data on the OSC server side (which is the one that listens). If adding more functions to this keep in mind that quartz composer does not understands 0 arguments messages. (I think this should be a bug)

You are advised to change the IP on the pure data patch to which ever is your destination. You can use to broadcast. Don't use wireless, it's a 0 security communication protocol.

Hope to save someone's time. GL

Webcam Piano With Quartz Composer

First you should check this site: memo.tv which explains everything

Then you can check my mod of memo webcam piano, that removes the need of OSCulator.
Note that midi does not work over network.

Also, the video reverse (mirror) isn't working properly for grid animation.

If you do anything with this i'd love to see the result.
Specially any public reactions from performances.